The GOES-R Series Program is committed to providing extensive training for the operational and educational communities that will address both the end users’ and developers’ needs, bridging the gap between research and operations. Training will focus on the quantitative and qualitative use of GOES-R data and products, methods for interpreting GOES-R data, new features, capabilities and algorithms, and a better understanding of atmospheric sciences and mesoscale meteorology in preparation for the future GOES-R Series satellites.
GOES-R Series training is developed and provided by a number of partners across the weather enterprise through the GOES-R Proving Ground, e-learning training modules, seminars, weather event simulations, and special case studies.
Conferences and meetings are also important opportunities to reach the user community and to give the program the chance to communicate with different types of users. The GOES-R Program Office participates in and conducts conferences with the user community to keep current with new developments in the program and to assess user readiness. The program also uses these conferences to obtain user feedback; gaining insight from different communities to ensure that user readiness will be achieved. Visit the GOES-R program website for a list of upcoming conferences and events.
The GOES-R Series Program has also begun offering “short courses” in conjunction with meteorological conferences and meetings. These courses are designed to introduce users to the new capabilities made possible by NOAA’s next-generation weather satellite constellation.
GOES-R Training Partners
The Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training (COMET) MetEd Program supports, enhances, and stimulates the communication and application of scientific knowledge of the atmospheric and related sciences for the operational and educational communities. The COMET Distance Education Program training materials include web, CD-ROM, and teletraining methods which serve earth science education and training needs by providing interactive experiences for learners at a distance. Please note: You must sign up for an account in order to access the COMET training modules but there is no fee associated with the training resources.
There are many MetEd resources. A selection of modules specific to GOES-R are listed below. Additional resources relevant to GOES-R can be found at For a complete list of MetEd training resources, visit Courses are available in English, French, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
GOES-R: Benefits of Next-Generation Environmental Monitoring: An overview of the GOES-R mission, instruments, system and services, satellite synergy, the role of GOES-R in the Global Observing System as well as environmental monitoring section that addresses the benefits of GOES-R and the ability to monitor 13 unique hazards and phenomena. This course is available in English and Spanish.
GOES-R ABI: Next Generation Satellite Imaging: This module focuses on the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instrument, the satellite’s 16-channel imager. The module introduces the ABI’s key features and improvements over earlier GOES imagers and lets users interactively explore the ABI’s 16 channels. It also contains movies that show the advancements that the ABI will bring to a variety of applications and contains additional resources pertaining to the ABI. This course is available in English and Spanish.
GOES-R GLM: Introduction to the Geostationary Lightning Mapper: This module focuses on the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument, the satellite’s lightning mapper. The GLM will provide continuous lightning measurements over a large portion of the Western Hemisphere, mapping total lightning (intra-cloud and cloud–to–ground) flash rates and trends. GLM observations will improve local forecasts and warnings of severe weather and air quality, and provide new data for numerical weather prediction and studies of regional climate and climate change. This course is available in English and Spanish.
GOES-R Satellites Orientation Course: This course consists of three self-paced lessons, “GOES-R: Benefits of Next-Generation Environmental Monitoring,” ”GOES-R ABI: Next Generation Satellite Imaging,” and “GOES-R GLM: Introduction to the Geostationary Lightning Mapper,” that introduces forecasters, students, researchers and other interested learners to the capabilities, products and applications anticipated with the next-generation GOES-R satellites. This course is available in English and Spanish
The Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) is a joint effort involving NOAA Cooperative Institutes, the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS), and the National Weather Service (NWS). The primary mission of VISIT is to accelerate the transfer of research results based on atmospheric remote sensing data into NWS operations using distance education techniques. Training sessions include topics on Satellite Meteorology, Severe Weather, Climate, Numerical Weather Prediction, and more. VISIT also provides monthly Satellite Chats to demonstrate satellite products that can be applied to operational forecasting and identify new training topics based on specific participant needs. See the VISIT Training Calendar for upcoming VISIT Satellite Chats. A selection of resources relevant to GOES-R can be found at
NASA’s Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT) provides training about specific products, discussing the strengths and weaknesses, with the goal of successfully transitioning products to operations. This training is built from surveys and direct communication with our partners. With this paradigm, the forecasters are an integral component of the transition process and not a passive recipient of data. SPoRT Product Training Modules include: Pseudo Geostationary Lightning Mapper, Lightning Mapping Array, MODIS Fog Products, GOES Fog Depth, and more. A selection of resources relevant to GOES-R can be found at
Satellite Foundational Course for GOES-R/16: This National Weather Service (NWS) Satellite Foundation Course for GOES-R/16 contains 37 short training modules to bring forecasters, the scientific community, and others up-to-date on the capabilities of the GOES-R/GOES-16 satellite. Training developers included the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), COMET, the Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT), the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS),and the NWS Office of the Chief Learning Officer (OCLO).
Additional training documents include the GOES-R Training Plan, the GOES-R 101 training presentation, and a variety of fact sheets on GOES-R instruments, ground system and products. A series of ABI bands fact sheets has been created as quick reference guides to provide forecasters with information on each of the GOES-R series Advanced Baseline Imager’s 16 spectral bands. These include two visible channels, four near-infrared channels and ten infrared channels. Each fact sheet covers what the band measures and how this is operationally relevant. The fact sheets also include links for more information.