[2018.12.21 05:08 UTCÂ Content has been updated. ]
GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Data Formats and Volumes
NMSC/KMA is developing the ground segment that will receive data from GK2A, generate real-time GK2A meteorological/space weather products and disseminate data via GK2A broadcasting. The top-notch Information & Communication Technologies and scientific capabilities are being applied to handle the vast volume of GK2A data in real-time manner consistent with user requirements.
The each level 1B and level 2 products will be generated in netCDF4 format as you can see below sample.
The level 1B files will contain some quality information in header parts.
To give some clue of data volume, you can refer the below table which displays the file sizes of Full Disk level 1B. For all 16 channels, it would be 2.25 GB.