The Melbourne VLab Centre of Excellence hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology has announced an extensive training campaign for Himawari-8/9 users. The campaign is conducted in cooperation with JMA and starts at the end of January 2015, providing web training sessions as well as self-study training material to support Himawari-8/9 user preparations. All information about the training campaign, including registration of web training sessions, is found at . On the Comet Meted site, you will find a training module on Himawari-8: “Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI): What is Different from the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)” (online registration needed). The module is highly relevant to all users of Himawari-8. At the occasion of the 6th Asia-Oceanic Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference in Japan in November 2015, a training event on Himawari-8 data utilization is planned.