The FY-4A post launch schedule is as follows (Status as of 22 March 2017),
Dec, 2016: FY-4A Satellite Launch
Dec, 2016: Satellite and instrument adjust
————————————————————————————-Phase I
Jan, 2017: Post Launch test start, Payload test
Mar, 2017: Calibration &INR test ,Release first set imagery from FY-4A
Jun, 2017: L1 products test, Release first set L1 products from FY-4A
Jun,30 2017: FY-4A space segment test finish, Satellite delivery to CMA
————————————————————————————Phase II
July-Sept, 2017: L2/L3 products test Application system test.
Sept-Dec, 2017: pre operation of ground segment
Dec,31 2017 : Post Launch test finish, FY-4A is ready for operations