[ 2018.12.21 05:02 UTC Content has been updated. ]
GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Data, Products, and Applications
① Meteorological products
NMSC/KMA has started to develop 52 meteorological products (23 day-1 and 29 day-2) for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A) since 2014 for applying now-casting, numerical weather prediction, climate, and so on. All products are developed by 4 development teams which are Cloud and Precipitation, Radiation and Aerosol, Atmosphere and Aviation, and Scene Analysis and Surface Information. The detailed Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document for each product will be provided in near future.
<List of 23 Day-1 and 29 Day-2 products>
The specification of level 2 product for main products
② Application techniques
Also, NMSC/KMA will plan to develop the application technology of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A data including the following four parts:
- Nowcasting
- Tropical cyclone & Ocean
- Hydrology & fusion technology
- Climate change monitoring & Environmental meteorology
<The development plan for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A application products>