It is essential that each satellite operator establish 2-way communications channels to the user community to provide general and specific information, to allow users to make information inquiries and provide other feedback during the preparations phase and to provide routine user support starting in the commissioning phase. Such communication should include e-mail list servers, dedicated User Notification Services, Wikis and other web-based 2-way communication mechanisms, providing support for inquiries and feedback from individual users, but also capitalize on Regional satellite user coordination mechanisms (such as the Coordination Group on Satellite Data Requirements for Region III and IV; RAIDEG), regional user conferences (such as the Asia-Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users Conference) and training events (such as the GOES-R Event Week). .
User Notification and Feedback
Himawari-8 User Notification and Feedback
- “Himawari-8 Operation for Eclipse Periods” page is newly available here.
- HimawariCast users can receive the operational information by MANAM which is included in the HimawariCast dissemination itself twice a day. MANAM information also can be seen at .
- Operational information and status of HimawariCloud and HimawariCast can be seen at .
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ELECTRO-L N2 User Notification and Feedback
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INSAT-3D: User Notification and Feedback
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FY-4 User Notification and Feedback
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GOES-R Series User Notification and Feedback
The GOES-R Series user community will be notified of satellite maneuvers and scanning changes the same as legacy systems; through the ESPC Operations listserv which is Users are encouraged to complete the registration process below to receive the latest available information from NESDIS.
In order to provide critical details regarding the forthcoming switch from GOES VARiable (GVAR) to GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) and from GOES Low Rate Information Transmission (LRIT) provided from the GOES-N series satellites to the new High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT), each user is encouraged to complete the short (5-minute-long) registration process so that the user can receive the latest available information from NESDIS. The secure NOAA site is:
And click on the link in the lower half of the page labeled:
Register for Direct Readout and Services Notifications
Help us keep you up to date with changes and anomalies!
Your support will be greatly appreciated and will help to keep users up to date.
You can contact Jim McNitt (Direct Readout Program Manager) at for additional information about the transition from GVAR to GRB.
We would also like to know whether you are an LRIT user planning to transition to HRIT/EMWIN when GOES-16 becomes the operational GOES-East satellite this fall (or when GOES-S becomes GOES-West in the future) or whether you will have or will install a HRIT/EMWIN system in the near future. Any other feedback on these two systems is welcome. Please feel free to contact the LRIT and HRIT/EMWIN Program Manager for further information regarding the transition and what impacts it could have to your receipt of data.
NOAA’s outreach plan:
- Emailing known users to acquire feedback and pushing out DRO registration information to include in master database.
- Updating NOAASIS website to provide information regarding HRIT (ie: the changes, manufacturers,
- Product User’s Guide, DRO registration, system overview, etc…)
- Updating LRIT@NOAA.GOV to a new HRIT@NOAA.GOV, including revised email distribution list of known LRIT/HRIT users.
- Communicating with known LRIT/HRIT manufacturers.
- Streaming Admin messages via LRIT broadcast pointing to email addresses and websites for further information.
- Attending future Satellite User Conferences.
Plan de Divulgación de NOAA:
- NOAA se comunicará por correo electrónico con los usuarios conocidos para solicitar retroalimentación e información sobre recepción directa para incluirlos en una base de datos.
- NOAA mantendrá actualizada su página de Internet sobre HRIT (es decir, sobre los cambios, proveedores, Guía de Usuarios, recepción directa, etc.)
- NOAA realizará la transición de LRIT@NOAA.GOV a la nueva dirección HRIT@NOAA.GOV, incluyendo las listas de distribución de los usuarios conocidos de LRIT/HRIT.
- NOAA se mantendrá en comunicación con los proveedores de equipo de recepción de LRIT/HRIT.
- NOAA difundirá anuncios administrativos vía LRIT incluyendo correos electrónicos y páginas de Internet donde podrán encontrar mayor información o hacer preguntas.
- NOAA participara en conferencias futuras de usuarios de satélites
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GEO-KOMPSAT-2A User Notification and Feedback
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MTG User Readiness Planning
The EUMETSAT User Portal is now the one-stop-shop for all user information related to MTG. The Meteosat Third Generation section includes an overview of the mission and data services (0 degree, data collection service, rapid scanning service, sounding service); MTG Data collection (when closer to release); resources including user guides, related documents, software and code and service status updates, and MTG data news and events.
In order for users to prepare for MTG, format familiarisation test data packages are being released. A Product Format Specification document describing the content of each product is also released with each test data package. For more information on test data, see the MTG test data user guide.
For more information on timelines etc, see the MTG in operations user guide.
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MTG User Notification and Feedback
The current EUMETSAT User Notification Service includes service messages relating to MTG. The point of contact for all user queries will be the EUMETSAT User Service Helpdesk, which is open from Monday to Thursday 08:30–17:15 CET, Friday 08:30–16:00 CET. Helpdesk contact details.
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