The WMO guidelines on user preparations urges to:
– Establish and maintain a dialogue between providers of the new generation satellites and prospective users, and raising awareness on new capabilities through user conferences, workshops and test beds
– Provide user training, including the development of training material and training events, through the satellite provider–training centre partnerships established in the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory, and other established mechanisms such as COMET, MetEd and EUMETrain
– Support user community-building through collaborative mechanisms, such as regular online briefings and social media.
This information provided in this section responds to these needs. It should be noted that the training resources are either provided by the satellite operators, training organizations affiliated with the operators or by user community groups and organizations.The WMO guidelines on user preparations urges to:
– Establish and maintain a dialogue between providers of the new generation satellites and prospective users, and raising awareness on new capabilities through user conferences, workshops and test beds
– Provide user training, including the development of training material and training events, through the satellite provider–training centre partnerships established in the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory, and other established mechanisms such as COMET, MetEd and EUMETrain
– Support user community-building through collaborative mechanisms, such as regular online briefings and social media.
This information provided in this section responds to these needs. It should be noted that the training resources are either provided by the satellite operators, training organisations affiliated with the operators or by user community groups and organisations.The WMO guidelines on user preparations urges to:
– Establish and maintain a dialogue between providers of the new generation satellites and prospective users, and raising awareness on new capabilities through user conferences, workshops and test beds
– Provide user training, including the development of training material and training events, through the satellite provider–training centre partnerships established in the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory, and other established mechanisms such as COMET, MetEd and EUMETrain
– Support user community-building through collaborative mechanisms, such as regular online briefings and social media.
This information provided in this section responds to these needs. It should be noted that the training resources are either provided by the satellite operators, training organisations affiliated with the operators or by user community groups and organisations.