
Product Collections
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
NOAA OSPO Composite Satellite Imagery Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
JMA Himawari Real-Time Imagery (including RGB composites) Asia (Region II), South-West Pacific (Region V)
EUMETSAT Meteosat 0 degree RGB Composites Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
JMA Himawari Full-Disk Imagery Asia (Region II), South-West Pacific (Region V)
NOAA OSPO and Washington VAAC Volcanic Ash Global, South America (Region III), North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT Meteosat Indian Ocean Data Coverage Imagery Indian Ocean, Africa (Region I), Asia (Region II)
JMA Himawari Heavy Precipitation Potential RA V South-West Pacific (Region V)
CMA CMA NSMC Imagery Pacific Ocean, Asia (Region II)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Cloud, airmass, and related products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Meteosat 0 deg Real-Time Imagery (EUMETView) Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Meteosat 0 deg Real-Time Imagery (OIS) Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
NOAA OSPO Sounding Products Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
NOAA OSPO Geostationary Satellite Server South America (Region III), North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
JMA Himawari Heavy Precipitation Potential RA II Asia (Region II)
KMA COMS Imagery Asia (Region II), South-West Pacific (Region V)
NOAA OSPO Land Coverage - Satellite Imagery North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT Metop Imagery Global
EUMETSAT Metop RGB Composites Global
NOAA OSPO Polar Mapped Mosaic Composites Global
Expert Groups
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
ITWG, CGMS, IAMAS International TOVS Working Group Global
IROWG, WMO, CGMS International Radio Occultation Working Group Global
Training material
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN Operational use of RGBs Global
COMET/MetEd Advances in Space-based Nighttime Visible Observation
COMET/MetEd Basics of Visible and Infrared Remote Sensing Global
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN RGB Colour Interpretation Guide Global
COMET/MetEd Microwave Remote Sending Topics Distance Learning Course
COMET/MetEd Monitoring the Climate System with Satellites Global
COMET/MetEd Multispectral Satellite Applications: RGB Products Explained