
Product Collections
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
NOAA OSPO and Washington VAAC Volcanic Ash Global, South America (Region III), North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Cloud, airmass, and related products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
EUMETSAT Metop RGB Composites Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Aerosol Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
CMA CMA NSMC Solar Imagery Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Climate Monitoring Global
NOAA OSPO Sea Surface Temperature Atlantic Ocean, Global, Pacific Ocean, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
NOAA OSPO Snow and Ice Products Antarctic, Arctic, Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Radiation products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Ozone product Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Land Surface Analysis Global
NOAA US National Ice Center - Snow and Ice Products Antarctic, Arctic, Global
BoM HF prediction, regional and global T-index Global, South-West Pacific (Region V)
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Fire product Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management Global
NOAA OSPO Sea/Lake Ice Products Global
CSWFC Electron fluence forecast at GEO orbit Global
NOAA OSPO Sounding Products Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Sea Surface Temperature products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
NOAA Proton event forecast and alerts Global
CGMS, CEOS ECV Inventory of CEOS-CGMS Global
DLR TEC over Europa and global Global, Europe (Region VI)
ROB Solar Cycle Global
NOAA OSPO Coral Bleaching Products Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Sea waves Global
NOAA OVATION Aurora Forecast Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Ocean Colour Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Precipitation products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
NOAA OSPO Tropical System Products Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Temperature products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
KMA Magnetopause radius Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Level 1 data Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
NOAA OSPO Cloud Products Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Sea Ice Antarctic, Arctic, Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Wind Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
CMA CMA NSMC space weather prediction and review Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Ozone and other trace gas products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Precipitation product Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Fog product Global
BoM Planetary A-index time series and GEOSTAT alert Global
NOAA WSA-ENLIL solar wind prediction Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Ocean ASO product Global
NOAA OSPO Precipitation Products (incl Hydro-Estimator) Global
BoM Solar activity summary and forecast Global
NOAA OSPO Wind Products Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Sea-surface height products Global
NOAA ISES Sunspot number, radio flux and Ap index Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Land surface temperature products Global, Africa (Region I), Europe (Region VI)
NOAA OSPO Aerosol products Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B SMP product Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Atmospheric Composition Monitoring Global
NICT Global D-region absorption prediction Global
NOAA OSPO Ozone Products Global
INTERMAGNET Global geomagnetic activity maps Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B LST product Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Support to Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting Global
Institute of Applied Geophysics Electron and proton fluxes measured by Electro-L Global
NOAA Electron fluence forecast at GEO orbit Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Soil moisture products Global
NOAA OSPO Composite Satellite Imagery Global, North America, Central America and the Caribbean (Region IV)
KMA Solar Cycle Sunspot Number Prediction Global
EUMETSAT Metop Imagery Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Sea Ice product Global
Institute of Applied Geophysics Proton fluxes from Electro-L Global
NOAA OSPO Polar Mapped Mosaic Composites Global
NOAA Geomagnetic activity forecast and alerts Global
ROB Solar conditions and 3-day solar flare forecast Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT Product Navigator: Ocean surface winds Global
NOAA Solar activity forecast and alerts Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B SNOM product Global
CMA CMA NSMC FY3B Dust storm product Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Radio-Occultation Meteorology Global
NICT Daily geomagnetic activity and Dst forecast Global
RRA/KSWC Automatic Solar Synoptic Analyzer Global
EUMETSAT EUMETSAT SAF on Numerical Weather Prediction Global
NICT Daily solar flare forecast Global
NOAA Global D-Region Absorption and other products Global
JAXA JAXA GSMap Global Rainfall Global
NOAA OSPO Vegetation Products Global
NASA TRMM Precipitation Products Global
KMA Solar Flare Model Global
Expert Groups
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
ITWG, CGMS, IAMAS International TOVS Working Group Global
OSTST Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Global
WMO, GAW WMO Global Atmosphere Watch Scientific Advisory Groups (SAG) Global
IWWG, WMO, CGMS International Winds Working Group Global
IROWG, WMO, CGMS International Radio Occultation Working Group Global
IPWG, WMO, CGMS International Precipitation Working Group Global
WMO, ICTSW WMO Inter-programme Coordination Team on Space Weather Global
IOCCG International Ocean Colour Coordination Group Global
GHRSST GHRSST Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Global
Training material
Organization Access link Geographical tag Domain tag Theme tag
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN Water Vapour Imagery Pallet Global
COMET/MetEd Satellite Altimetry to Monitor the Ocean (Jason-2) Global
COMET/MetEd Lightning Detection from Space Global
COMET/MetEd Monitoring the Climate System with Satellites Global
EUMETRAIN, COMET/MetEd EUMETRAIN Vertical Detection of Dust with MSG Global
COMET/MetEd Fog: Its Processes and Impact on Aviation and Aviation Forecasting Global
EUMETRAIN Ocean Surface Wind Products and Services (OSI SAF) Global
COMET/MetEd Introduction to Tropical Meteorology Global
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center NOAA Space Weather Products & Services Global
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN Monitoring Vegetation from Space Global
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN Operational use of RGBs Global
EUMETRAIN Land surface temperature tutorial Global
COMET/MetEd Advanced Satellite Sounding: Benefits of Hyperspectral Sounding Global
COMET/MetEd Monitoring the Wildland Fire Cycle Global
COMET/MetEd How Satellite Observations Impact NWP Global
COMET/MetEd Atmospheric Dust Global
COMET/MetEd Basics of Visible and Infrared Remote Sensing Global
COMET/MetEd Tropical Cyclone Intensity Analysis Global
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN Monitoring Volcanic Ash Global
EUMETRAIN EUMETRAIN RGB Colour Interpretation Guide Global
EUMETRAIN Sea Ice Applications (OSI SAF) Global
COMET/MetEd Volcanic Ash: Observations and Dispersion Modelling Global