Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) serves as a VLab training Centre of Excellence (CoE) through sharing resources and facilities of WMO Regional Training Centre Nanjing, a joint mechanism between CMA and NUIST in promoting capacity-building among meteorological professionals in developing countries.
To fulfill its role as a CoE Nanjing of WMO-CGMS Vlab, through tapping its strength in meteorological education (atmospheric detection in particular), NUIST conducts satellite (remote-sensing)-related training events regularly on both generic and specialized operational topics about satellite meteorology. It is one of two Vlab’s CoEs in China.
Approved by the 45th session of WMO Executive Council on 30 May 1993, RTC-Nanjing was established with the facilities of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (formerly known as Nanjing Institute of Meteorology),and was inaugurated in 1994. Furthermore, NUIST was appointed as the sole training centre of the UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee in 2012 in its 44th session.
Mr. AL-Majed, WMO representative unveiled RTC NJ plate with Mr. ZOU Jinmeng, former CMA administrator in 1994.
The recent years have seen the fast growth of RTC NJ’s training programs as it enters collaborative mechanisms with sponsorships from WMO programs, Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) and China Meteorological Administration (CMA), etc.. Up to December 2021, RTC Nanjing has hosted nearly 4500 participants with its 197 bi- and multi-lateral training events. On our trainee list are numerous scientific, operational and technical officers from 157 countries and regions. We are proud to say that RTC Nanjing is now among the most active members in WMO educational and training network.
Office area of CoE Nanjing
From the very first training we hosted in 1990, WMO RTC Nanjing has been fully committed to the capacity-building for meteorologists from NMHSs across the world, especially those from developing and least developed countries. Training programs of RTC Nanjing tap the quality educational resources from NUIST and fully take into account the priority areas of capacity building within WMO framework, and cater to the needs of meteorological services of the target trainee community.
CoE Nanjing started to conduct its training courses remotely since 2020.
The three-decade’s commitment has staged a panorama of training topics across an extensive spectrum from forecasts and public services, to disaster prevention and reduction, to climate change and renewable energies, and to administrative and operational management.