CoEs work closely with

one or more of the Satellite Operators and are often co-located with WMO Regional Training Centers. CoEs are established in all WMO Regions to meet user needs for increased skills and knowledge in satellite data utilization within their Region.


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes! At the end of each individial page for the CoEs there is a contact box where you can send your name, email and questions directly to the Director and Point of Contact.

Yes! The CoEs have physical places. Many CoEs are Universities, Met Services or Learning Institutions and some trainings take place in classrooms. These days, most of the training is online so there is usually no need to move physically to the CoE and training can be attended virtually from anywhere around the globe.

Most CoEs use a Virtual Lerning Environment for their materials and in some cases you can request access and get enrolled in their courses. You can look into the Training Calendar (main menu) for events around the world and also contact individual CoEs to enquire about training material. Attending the Regional Focus Groups is also a great way to know professionals in your region and get access to training and materials.

There can be a cost in particular cases but most of the time the trainings are subsidized and/or free. You can learn more about the training events in the Training Calendar in the top menu of this page!

We regularly advertise our training events in the Training Calendar (main menu). CoEs around the world can create publicly available training events and can be joined by anyone to learn more about Satellite Meteorology. Remember to check regularly the Training Calendar and be part of the Regional Focus Groups to stay on top of the cutting edge technology and trainings.