IMTR/WMO-RTC is a designated “Centre of Excellence” for training Satellite Meteorology and is one of the implementers of African Satellite Meteorology Education and Training (ASMET). We are part of the WMO Virtual Laboratory for Meteorological Satellite Education and Training(VLab) and as such has a mandate as a Centre of Excellence to conduct training activities and support one or more Regional Focus Group, representing the NMHSs in the region.
The Institute was established in 1964. A year later it was upgraded to the World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Centre (WMO-RTC) for English speaking African countries. We are a branch of the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) under the Ministry of Environnent and Forestry charged with the responsibility of training personnel in Meteorology, Operational Hydrology and related geo-sciences in the country and the English-speaking countries in Africa and parts of Asia. IMTR has two components:
- The Centre Component – The Institute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR), located on the grounds of the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD); and
- The University Component – The Department of Meteorology, at the University of Nairobi’s College of Biological and Physical Sciences, located at Chiromo Campus.
The two components work very closely together, especially in the coordination of international training programs for WMO members. The Institute offers certificate and diploma courses while the University provides degree and post-graduate training.
We have the capacity and ability to organise and host specialised training courses, workshops and seminars in various fields of meteorology especially in Satellite Meteorology due to our existing infrastructure, manpower and collaboration with other institutions both locally, regionally and internationally. An example of such a collaboration is the partnership with EUMETSAT to develop blended (face to face and virtual) trainings since 2010 when the use of internet became widely accepted and available to most National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Africa. This collaboration simplified the training and allowed more than 80 participants to be accommodated and trained online every year. The course aims at enabling the participants understand the fundamental remote sensing principles that help participants understand the information available in satellite imagery, identify atmospheric systems and features from satellite imagery, apply the satellite products and data in forecasting. The learning activities includ reading of resources, practical case studies, quizzes, discussion forums and Weather briefings.
As one of the implementers of African Satellite Meteorology Education and Training (ASMET), IMTR collaborates with other Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and partners, namely, South African Weather Service (SAWS, South Africa), EAMAC/ASECNA (Niger), Morocco National Meteorology Directorate (DMN, Morocco), EUMETSAT (Germany) and COMET (UCAR, USA) to produce online and CD-based learning modules that train African forecasters how to enhance their forecasts by making better use of meteorological satellite images and products. The modules are available on and are freely accessible and can be used by Forecasters and Researchers in the African Region for their capacity development in Satellite Meteorology.
CoE Contact Information
Edward M. Muriuki
Principal of IMTR
Sarah Kimani
Point of Contact for the VLab CoE